Yet another destructuring post.. It’s a function I always forget that exists in javascript, so I hope this post can show you it’s power and beauty, so you’ll remember! The javascript destructuring assignment makes it possible to extract data from arrays and objects into distinct variables. Without declaring them first! A ma zing!!
I want to start creating apps with React, and what better way to do this than with a real-time application that other people can use? Making ‘real’ stuff, gives me more motivation to start learning new things. I’ll be building a React Chat application with firebase and will blog along the way, to let you […]
If you’re here because you want to connect your php code to an external API, please check my cURL api-calls with php tutorial first. This is part 2 of how to connect to an API using cURL in php, as I received a lot of questions on how to connect if the API requires authentication (utoken) […]