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Create a website

Create a website

Updated on February 5, 2024

Looking for a website?

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Do you want to have a website created? How does that work and what should you definitely pay attention to? At, we like to let our clients off the hook and help businesses and organizations develop a professional and quality website that meets all your needs. Better ranking on Google? More modern design? Expanding to a webshop or connecting to an underlying CRM?

web design bedrijf

We help companies grow in the digital world. Of course only if we can offer a good solution for your problem, but if it’s better for your company to work with someone else, or to start doing things yourself: our blessings are with you. Because of this, we hope to be a flexible growth partner that you can build on and focus mainly on long-term cooperation.

Even with the rise of social media, a website remains a very important communication tool. When you have a website made, the power is mainly in having all your online channels communicate with each other. This way, you lose the least amount of time and your Facebook or LinkedIn page stays up-to-date with the data you change on your website.

Purpose of having a website made

When you have a website created, the purpose of your website is for your business or organization to better communicate with your customers. Communicate the vision and goals of your business. A website should exude confidence and you should show your customers (and competitors) that you know what you’re doing. If your opening hours are different on Facebook, on Google Maps, and on your website, you’re not immediately exuding confidence.

Building a website is also important for accessibility. Not just for displaying a contact form or your contact information, but make sure your customers can easily find what they are coming for on your website. When you have a website built, the net purpose is to minimize your customers contacting you.

Reason to have a new website created

There are several reasons to choose a new website. The most common one that people come to us for is an outdated design. The current website no longer represents the quality of the company and is therefore unclear to visitors. The website is too messy and the users don’t really know where to go to find certain information. Or they are overloaded with information and leave the website.

Sometimes it is also possible that the backend of the website is outdated. If you can no longer maintain the website yourself, it’s time for a new website. Nobody likes to work in a cluttered environment, for sites this is no different. And if no one wants to update the website, it quickly becomes outdated and you, as a company, lose the potential power of your online signboard.

Finally, for outdated websites, besides the look and feel, there are often other factors that will decide whether a new website is really needed or not: Performance. If your website loads slowly or is not properly visible on mobile devices. This is becoming more and more an important issue these days. Especially with a view to improving the SEO score of your website.

Have a website created at

We are a passionate team of digital professionals! Passion! We love what we do and like to make every website perfect down to the smallest detail. We are not afraid to add an extra animation here and there to really bring the website to life.

Each project is drawn up in advance and checked via feedback rounds with the client. We do not work with ready-made templates that we reuse for all our customers. is the place to be for customization, whether it’s a small or large website. We go for a personal approach without salesmen and trust that our passion speaks for itself.

In addition to a new website, do you want to start investing in SEO? puts a lot of effort into this as well! We rank #1 for ‘seo bedrijf‘ on Google and love nothing more than taking on challenges and challenges within the top 10 of Google Search. Keyword research, competitor analysis, local search terms, … Just like websites, we can’t keep silent about SEO.

Because of this, you’ve come to the right place to get expertise and consultations on the steps to a new website. If you just want a website without SEO, no problem. Do you already have a website but are looking for more information about SEO? A phone call to discuss the possibilities is always without obligation.

Even after completing a project, we remain available for aftercare in case something goes wrong with the website. Or if the website is running well and you want to take the next steps in the digital growth of your business, we can expand your website with additional features or integrations with external software. Also towards SEO and digital marketing (SEA or social media)

website laten maken

Webdesign and Development was born out of a passion for our profession. Experts in websites and development, but not so much in sales. But with measurable results, we already achieved a nice customer base.

We know that a new website is a big investment, both in terms of time and budget. You can request a quote from us without obligation to see if our agency is up to the task of becoming your new digital partner. You don’t quickly have a website made again. It needs to be right the first time.

Our professional web designers and developers are a match for each other and dare to challenge each other to bring that little bit more to your project. At we are convinced that an effective website or webshop is a combination of web design, user experience, technology and all this with a view to giving your visitors the best experience on your website. And to score higher in search results, of course. The latter is always a nice bonus.

We work with startups, non-profits, and small businesses to corporate and European bodies to create professional and reliable websites.

Questions about having your website created?

Will I be the owner of my website?

Upon delivery of the website, we deploy the project to a server of your choice. If you already have a hosting provider, we move the website to your live server. Don’t worry if you don’t have a hosting provider yet, we can provide that too. But you are never obligated to buy hosting from us.

Will I be the owner of my domain name?

All domain names we register or have to take over, are registered directly in the name of the customer. We never put a domain name on our own name, so you can do what you want with your domain name. Whether you are already the owner of your own domain name can always check DNS Belgium – for .be domain extensions.

What does making a website cost?

We do not have ready-made templates that we resell to our clients. Each website gets a customized jacket, so you can be happy with the result. The cost of a website can range from €500 for microsites, but prices depend on a lot of different factors: design, content migration and quantity of content, platform migration, e-commerce, animation, API connections, …

How long does it take to create a website?

At we usually count with a lead time of 2 months. This is from the kick-off meeting, design, development, testing, and finally delivery to your server of choice.

Do I have to be located in Brussels to have a website created by

Of course not. Physical meetings can always take place at our office in Brussels, but we can also leave our home. In most cases, a conference call via Teams will also suffice.

Can I customize and manage my own website?

Definitely! You’ll get a free crash course from us after the website is delivered on how to manage your website yourself afterward. Of course, we don’t disappear after completion of the project, we are still available to help! But this way you don’t have to wait for us for every little thing.

Is there aftercare at the end of a project?

We provide 14 days of free support after the delivery of a project. We are convinced that our projects work thoroughly after delivery and solve all problems within the first 2 weeks after launch. The launch of a new website is usually accompanied by an explosion in website traffic, so nothing can go wrong here

After delivery, a maintenance contract is completely non-binding.

Can provide hosting?

Yes, we can provide hosting as well as domain names and emails. Everything we register is put in the client’s name. This way you are not stuck with, later on, should something go wrong in our cooperation.

How much input do I have as a customer when we have a website created?

During the kick-off meeting, we go through everything that the new website should be able to do. Afterwards we make design proposals on which you can give feedback. This way, we include a number of feedback rounds to make sure that the new website will look exactly as you want it to.

Can I only have a WordPress website created?

No, we are not jack-of-all-trades but have a lot of experience with Open Source platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Craft. In addition, for e-commerce, we have also specialized in Shopify (Plus) and for headless applications, we can work with Prismic.

These are content management systems we already have experience with but are certainly not limited to.

Is SEO included when creating a website?

We provide a standard SEO package in all our delivered projects. This increases the quality of our projects and makes it easier for us if you would like to invest in SEO later on.

All our projects are built with SEO best practices in mind. Let’s just say that websites and SEO are a real passion for us.

Do you work with new or small businesses?

Of course, no discrimination at We enjoy working for sole proprietors, non-profits, influencers, SMEs, European agencies, corporate, educational, …

We like to leave the client free and enjoy thinking about the best solution for your new website. We try to be flexible growth partners.

Have a website created? How do we get started

The first step, of course, is an introductory meeting. Who are you, what do you do and why would you like a new website? What bothers you most about the current website? So that we can be sure not to copy the same defects to the new site.

The first meeting is non-committal and we need it to give us a specific timeline and price. Afterward, we discuss your website in more detail so that we also know in which direction the designs should go. It is not only important to know what your website needs to do now, but we also want to know what your plans are for the website tomorrow and the day after.

Do you want to build a website?

The choice of digital agency you go with depends on several factors. How were you initially helped? What was the expertise of the digital agency like? What are their prices, and when can they get started? Do they use an open-source platform or do I hang with them with a custom platform? What are the startup costs and monthly fees? Is the desired deadline achievable?

The chances of you wanting to have a website built are pretty high. But the builder of your website also becomes your digital partner. Do you see yourself working with in the coming years? Super! We can already help with future expansions, linking external platforms, SEO campaigns, and digital marketing. All fully customized and only when you are ready for it!

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