Maillard is an eclectic sharing restaurant, based in Mechelen, Belgium. Embrace the power of uniting people, share the stories, enjoy the flavours, sip the wines. No more, no less.
Our Approach.
The Maillard Restaurant branding was provided by our colleagues at Kantoor KOLOS in Mechelen. After branding and webdesign got approved, it got transferred to us and we could start the development phase for this website.
The website is created on WordPress and ensures a simple & quick way to edit the website. If prices or menu items change, the client needs to be able to update those on the website.
We created a new custom theme from scratch to build the designs from branding agency KOLOS flawlessly.
The client already registered their own hosting for this website and we deployed to their environment. Additionally, we made sure the email addresses where setup correctly and that the website was allowed to email from their domain.
Behind the scenes.
Although the website appears as a ‘simple’ onepager, let’s take a look at the animating elements.
For a more immersive scrolling experience on the website, we’ve used Lenis Scroll for the smooth scrolling. This npm-library uses the lerp-effect between two different scroll positions to ‘smoothly’ scroll to the new position.
On the right side of the website you see a primary image that will follow you all the way to the bottom of the website. When you scroll to the menu items of the restaurant, make sure you take the time to hover over a few elements.
Not all, but some of the menu-items will show you a preview of the dish on hover.
With the smoothscroll in place, it’s nice to navigate your elements on scroll too. The elements on the Mailard website aren’t showing in the beginning, but only when you scroll past that section, you can see that the content will animate-in.
When you reach the bottom of the page, there’s a nice marquee that will salute you.